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2201 S. Union . Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: 312-846-6192 . Fax: 312-492-8949
Toll Free 1-800-856-8397
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Regular Price 209.99
Our Price $114.99

More Cases

Designed to accommodate entry-level DJ gear, the DJ SHUTTLE is roto-molded in the Roto X pattern with molded-in side handles and a durable snap closure for protection making the DJ Capsule lightweight yet durable. The SKB-84DJ offers 8 rackable spaces on top and 4 rackable spaces underneath making it convenient for loading CD’s or equipment and has a rear access panel for easy access and storage.

  • Model No. SKB-84DJ
  • Top: (8U) 5 1/4"-2 1/2" Depth (Slant)
  • Bottom: (4U) 15 1/4"
  • Weight: 11.3 lbs.

Why Choose SKB?
SKB is proud of their reputation as industry leaders. Two decades ago their very first SKB guitar cases were manufactured in a small Anaheim garage. Their goal then was to respond to the needs of musicians by designing a guitar case that combined great style with quality craftsmanship and a new level of protection unheard of in the musical instrument case industry. The word spread quickly among musicians about their superior products, affordable prices, and uncompromised service.

SKB presently manufactures cases for dozens of musical instruments as well as military, medical, technical, sports, pro audio, and industrial equipment. Every case with the SKB logo on it is built with the same commitment to unsurpassed quality.

Quality begins with design...
The precisely engineered exteriors of SKB cases provide maximum durability, impact resistance and aesthetic appeal. In choosing the most technologically advanced materials they insure resistance to extreme temperatures, solvents and acids.


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Locking Rack Drawers Clamping Rack Shelves Reversable One Space Sliding Drawer Rack Shelves


Cases & Racks Speakers
CD Players Software


LED Lights Fog Machines Fog/Bubble Juice LED Lights LED Lights
LED Lights Intelligent Lights Bubble Machines DMX Cables LED Lights

Sales / Support 1-800-856-8397, out of the USA: 1-312-846-6192

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