Ableton Live 9 Suite
What's New in Live 9 Suite
- Record parameter changes directly into Session View
- Edit automation with curves
- Edit automation curves with the mouse to create smooth mix transitions or radical parameter changes in clips
- Create new Session View scenes from Arrangement tracks with a single click, or drag and copy individual clips from Arrangement to Session
- Find sounds fast via new browser
- Browser puts all instruments and effects, samples, Packs and VST/Audio Units plug-ins into a single easy-to-navigate view
- Drag and drop folders into the browser from anywhere on the computer
- Search while typing, navigate from the keyboard, and sort items by various categories
- Browse by type with samples, devices, presets, and VST/Audio Units plug-ins all available from the same view
- View items by frequency of previous use
- Store sounds and Packs on any hard drive, or multiple drives
- Instant preview of all Ableton Packs
- Analog-modeled Glue Compressor and redesigned studio effects
- Glue Compressor modeled on a classic 80's console bus compressor, both its sound and also to provide musical results with a simple set of controls
- Studio effects (compressor, gate and EQ Eight) have been improved with new displays and enhanced controls and sound
- EQ Eight includes a breakout display, an Audition mode for soloing frequencies, an analog-style adaptive Q option, and improved filters
- Extract musical ideas from samples and build upon them
- Convert drum-breaks with the Drums-to-MIDI feature and reuse them with custom sounds
- Speed up remixing work by using Harmony-to-MIDI to get the notes and chords from the original audio stems
- Sketch out ideas quickly by singing (or beatboxing) into Live and converting the recording into MIDI
- Sing, beatbox, tap a rhythm, or play any solo instrument to capture musical ideas as they come and then use the Melody- or Drums-to-MIDI feature to turn the recordings into MIDI clips that can edited and reused with any sound
- MIDI note manipulation tools and an improved editing workflow aid in creating new musical ideas quickly
- Invert, reverse, transpose and speed up or slow down selected MIDI notes in a single click
- MIDI Note Stretch markers let you speed up, slow down, or even reverse selected MIDI notes
- Add or remove breakpoints with a single click
- Hover the mouse near envelope segments to select and drag them without using a modifier
- Editing grids are now "sticky," allowing notes to be freely moved and resized while still snapping when close to grid lines
- Warp clip automation alongside the audio
- Envelopes in MIDI clips can be stretched using stretch markers
- Hold a modifier while dragging to create and edit curves in automation envelopes
Max for Live
- Collection of instruments, effects, and tools, with more available from artists who share their Max for Live creations
- Create custom synthesizers, samplers, sequencers, and audio effects
- Create other tools to do exactly what's needed
- Edit button displays how a device was constructed and provides for further modification
- Includes Live's native interface elements for building devices that look and feel just like Live
- Change how Live works by building devices that modify Live, including the properties of tracks, clips, and native devices
- Includes tools for modifying the way controllers and other hardware interact with Live, such as common MIDI controllers, multi-touch surfaces, and even "non musical" tools like video cameras - turn pad controllers into step sequencers, trigger video from drum pads, and much more
- Based on the latest version of Max 6 software from cycling74
Recording and Editing
- Software that allows for creating ideas and making changes without stopping using two project windows
- Arrangement View uses the traditional track-style convention where time moves from left to right, while tracks are stacked vertically
- Session View is a sketchpad for improvising, playing and performing with musical ideas, without the constraints of the timeline
- Freely and independently start and stop any number of audio or MIDI loops while everything stays in sync
- Almost everything works in real-time - add, reorder or remove devices, play with track routing and more, all without interrupting the creative flow
Instruments and Sounds
- Includes a collection of instruments, sounds, kits and loops for creating any kind of music
- Three instruments
- Devices including FM and physical modeling synthesis as well as sampling
- Classic analog drum machines, one-shot samples and multi-sampled acoustic drum kits
- Over 1,100 Sounds including vintage synthesizers, acoustic instruments and combinations of sampling, effects and synthesis
- Variety of audio and MIDI patterns ready to use, covering everything from 60's Soul and Hip Hop to Electronica
- Thirty-seven audio effects
- Wide selection of audio processors, from the classic to the unique
- Seven MIDI effects
- Includes devices to rearrange, constrain or randomize MIDI notes for creating endless variations
Integrating External Hardware
- Use external hardware synthesizers or effects units as if they were plug-ins, via the software's External Instrument and External Audio Effect devices
- Create custom racks
- Racks allow for combining multiple instruments and effects into a single device
- Each of the eight Macro knobs can be mapped to any number of parameters in a Rack, allowing for customized controls
VST and Audio Units
- Use VST or Audio Units instruments and effects alongside Live's native devices
- Works with any MIDI controller with instant mapping available for the most popular ones
- Control Live with your iOS or Android device using third-party software
- Flexible MIDI and keyboard mapping
- Map MIDI knobs, sliders, and buttons or a computer keyboard to almost every control in Live
- Unlimited multi-track recording up to 32-bit/192 kHz
- Nondestructive editing with unlimited undo
- MIDI sequencing of software and hardware instruments
- Warping and real-time time-stretching
- Unlimited Instruments, Audio effects and MIDI effects per project
- Group tracks
- Time signature changes
- Multiple automation lanes
- Track Freeze
- Automatic plug-in delay compensation
- MIDI remote control instant mapping
- MIDI output to hardware synthesizers
- MIDI Clock/sync
- ReWire
- Multicore/multiprocessor support
- WAV, AIFF, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC file support
Live 9 Suite from Ableton is a solid update to the company's "think different" DAW software that is particularly popular with electronic and beat making creators. Two GUI views include a traditional, vertical-track display with time moving from left to right (Arrangement View), while the Session View is a place for experimentation that provides room for improvising, playing and performing with musical ideas without the constraints of the timeline. The top of the line version includes 9 instruments, 40 effects, over 3,000 sounds, along with Max for Live with its 24 Instruments and effects and further access to over 900 devices.
Aside from the particular way of presenting the creative process, the software also includes standard features such as unlimited multi-track recording with up to 32-bit/192 kHz resolution with nondestructive editing and unlimited undo. Essential automatic plug-in delay compensation is available, along with multiple automation lanes and track freezing for conserving DSP. Warping and real-time, time-stretch processing can be applied to any clips, and unlimited instruments, audio effects and MIDI effects can be utilized per project.
MIDI sequencing, remote control instant mapping, and MIDI output to hardware MIDI devices allows the software to play a central role in any studio situation. New in Live 9 is an audio-to-MIDI functionality that can extract musical ideas from samples, or convert drum-breaks with the Drums-to-MIDI feature and reuse them with custom sounds. MIDI clock synchronization and ReWire ensures that the software functions with external hardware and software.
Max for Live is based on cycling74's Max 6 software and comes with a collection of instruments, effects, and tools. Users can create custom versions along with the ability to access more devices from a community of artists who share their creations. Every Max for Live device is ready to use and can also be edited and customized to suit specific needs. Each device includes an edit button, which when engaged, displays how it was constructed and allows for further modification. Additionally, Max for Live comes with a collection of Live's native interface elements that allows for building devices that look and feel like Live.
The software supports multi-core and multiprocessor computer configurations, and includes support for WAV, AIFF, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC file formats. The software functions under both Mac and Windows operating systems.
- Tracks and Channels
- Audio and MIDI Tracks: Unlimited
- Scenes: Unlimited
- Send and Return Tracks: 12
- Mono Audio Input Channels: 128
- Mono Audio Output Channels: 128
System Requirements
- Intel multi-core processor
- OS X 10.5 or later
- 2 GB RAM
- 1024 x 768 display resolution
- DVD drive for installation
- 3 GB disk space required for basic installation
- 55 GB free disk space for full sounds installation
- Multi-core processor
- Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
- 2 GB RAM
- 1024 x 768 display resolution
- DVD drive for installation
- 3 GB disk space required for basic installation
- 55 GB free disk space for full sounds installation
